الموقع الرسمي لـVERTU®


اكتشف المزيد

الحماية من جدري القرود وإرشادات القناة الخضراء لمستشفيات الفئة 3أ

Today, the new crown epidemic has gradually faded out of people’s vision, A flow B flow, the recent monkeypox virus attack, the hospital is still overcrowded, the three hospitals of the expert number or difficult to register, difficult to be hospitalized.


The Chinese Center for Disease Control and prevention released the monitoring of monkey pox epidemic in June 2023 on July 14:

From June 2 to June 30, 2023, 106 new confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), including 48 cases in Guangdong Province, 45 cases in Beijing, 8 cases in Jiangsu Province, 2 cases in Hubei Province, 2 cases in Shandong Province and 1 case in Zhejiang Province.

Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis caused by monkeypox virus infection. In order to prevent the current monkeypox virus from continuing to spread on a large scale, VERTU specially presents you with monkeypox virus cognition and protection guidelines and green channel guidelines for tertiary hospitals.

# Monkeypox Awareness and Protection Guide

**1-Means of transmission * *

There are two main routes of transmission:
1) Animal-to-human transmission can occur through contact with an infected animal or through consumption of an infected animal that has not been adequately cooked;
2) Human-to-human transmission is mainly due to contact with the skin or mucosal lesions of monkeypox patients, oral secretions, respiratory droplets, items contaminated by the virus (such as bedding), etc., and may also be through sexual contact. In addition, there is also the possibility of mother-to-child transmission and in-hospital transmission.


**2-Susceptible Population * *

The following people are more likely to be infected with monkeypox virus:
1) People who live with or have close contact (including sexual contact) with monkeypox patients, including men who have sex with men;
2) Health workers exposed to monkeypox patients or monkeypox virus;
3) Children, pregnant women and people with low immunity.

**3-Clinical manifestations * *

The most common clinical manifestations of monkeypox include fever, rash, and swollen lymph nodes. There may also be headache, itching, fatigue, muscle pain, back pain, sore throat, and oral ulcers. Among them, lymphadenopathy is the characteristic that distinguishes monkeypox from varicella.


**4-Case fatality rate * *

The mortality rate after monkeypox infection is related to the virus branch of infection, the host’s own health status in the region, etc., since 2022, the epidemic case virus originated in branch II, the mortality rate is about 0.13.

**5-Prevention for the general population * *

1) Avoid close contact with confirmed cases of monkeypox and, in case of accidental contact, wash your hands with soapy water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer. If you suspect that you have monkeypox, you should take the initiative to see a doctor in time.
2) Avoid contact with animals that may carry monkeypox virus, such as rodents, primates and marsupials. Also, avoid eating or handling wild game.
3) At this stage, the general population does not need to be vaccinated.


**6-Definitive diagnosis * *

The diagnosis of monkeypox is mainly based on epidemiological history and clinical manifestations, using nucleic acid amplification detection method to detect skin rash, blister fluid, scab skin, oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal secretions.

**7-Treatment Method * *
The treatment of patients with monkeypox virus infection is mainly based on isolation observation and symptomatic support in designated infectious disease professional institutions, including pain relief and fever, skin rash management and nutritional support.

**8-Sequelae * *

Only about one in ten monkeypox patients will have sequelae. The most common sequelae are facial scars and visual impairment. Neurological symptoms may also occur. However, the current research evidence is less, and the medium-and long-term effects of monkeypox are not clear.


Faced with the medical resources that may become tense due to monkeypox, do you worry about seeing a doctor for your family or yourself? Don’t worry, VERTU provides the green channel service rights of domestic and foreign hospitals.

# Top 3 Hospital Green Channel Guide

In order to provide a more convenient and high-quality medical service experience, VERTU has opened up an exclusive medical convenient channel for its members and provided appointment, medical guidance and accompanying services in the top three hospitals across the country. When you need a higher level of professional medical support, we will also provide you with priority services such as diagnosis and treatment appointments of top experts in the first place. All you need to do is contact VERTU’s personal assistant.


The green channel service rights of VERTU 3A Hospital include:

**1. Special registered * *

As a VERTU member, you will enjoy the rights and interests of special registration. Instead of waiting in line for registration and anxious waiting in the hospital, you can give priority to the appointment of top expert doctors, quickly arrange comprehensive medical examination, and conveniently arrange the treatment of specific diseases, so as to provide you with efficient and personalized medical service experience and save your precious time.


**2. Special Clinic * *

VERTU will provide expert outpatient service (including special outpatient service)) appointment registration service in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other tertiary A hospitals according to customers’ medical needs, including expert outpatient appointment for common diseases and major diseases, so as to ensure that you can obtain the most professional medical advice and treatment plan.

**3. Medical Guide * *

On the day of the customer’s medical treatment, VERTU will arrange relevant personnel to meet you at the appointed place, provide you with consultation services such as visiting and guiding. At the same time, VERTU will accompany you throughout the treatment, assist in handling related matters such as number collection, laboratory tests, pricing, drug collection, payment, etc., and deliver the medical documents and laboratory specimens required during the treatment period for you.


**4. Emergency Priority * *

In the event of an emergency, VERTU members will enjoy the benefit of priority treatment. We will ensure that you receive first aid and treatment as soon as possible to maximize your health and safety.

**5. Efficient Medical Resource Allocation * *

In the case of tight medical resources and long queue time, as a VERTU member, you will have priority to enjoy medical services. We will help you quickly arrange medical treatment and provide professional medical advice so that you can get treatment and recovery faster.


The green channel service rights of VERTU 3A Hospital not only allow you to enjoy an efficient and convenient medical experience, but more importantly, ensure your health and safety. We know that health is important for everyone. VERTU is committed to providing members with comprehensive medical care and caring services to take the best care of your health.

If you are interested in the green channel service rights of VERTU 3A Hospital, please contact our personal assistant for more details. We look forward to providing you with high-quality medical services and protecting the health of you and your family!
