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Young people increasingly believe that “metaphysics” what impact on the fashion industry?

Photo by: Dior


"Double harvest in love and career" is often used to express double wishes to others. However, between celebrating love and seeking wealth and God, young people have recently given an ultimate choice answer.

Valentine's Day in 2024 coincides with the day of "receiving the God of Wealth" on the fifth day of the first month. Taobao's official microblog issued "God of Wealth Red Envelope" and "Moon Old Red Envelope" for users to receive. Relevant data show that as of about 7: 00 a.m., the progress of receiving red envelopes from the god of wealth was 93.5 per cent, while the progress of receiving red envelopes from the old month was only 5.8 per cent.

Image source: Weibo

On the one hand, this disparity shows the current young people's choice between love and wealth, and on the other hand, it also sets off the current situation that they are increasingly keen on metaphysics and eager to get an ideal life through behaviors such as "seeking God and worshipping Buddha.

At present, this "metaphysical fever" has gradually spread to all walks of life, and has developed into a large-scale marketing business opportunity and metaphysical economy. Why are young people becoming more and more "superstitious" metaphysics? How did the trend of metaphysics blow into the fashion circle and what opportunities will it bring?


# **Metaphysics, the Chinese psychiatrist * *

Metaphysical marketing is heating up rapidly this year. Coffee brand M Stand launched a wooden fish after the Spring Festival. Netizens have a heated discussion around it. They generally think that this wooden fish understands the mentality of "workers" very well and mentions its metaphysical connotation: "When wooden fish knocks, fatigue disappears, pressure disappears, and troubles disappear."


Image Source: M Stand

Just as the wooden fish has a very long history, metaphysics has been around since ancient times in China. From the Jianghu warlock to the Zhouyi expert, from the ritual wizard to the feng shui master, metaphysics has been constantly changing with the development of the times and derived new forms. Entering the Internet era, all kinds of divination software emerge in endlessly, and the use of "electronic wooden fish" to accumulate "Cyber merit" has become a new pursuit of young people.

In addition to the traditional accumulation of ancient times, metaphysics has become a popular culture among young people in recent years. There are two other main factors: metaphysics can be used as a pastime for social entertainment and a placebo for guiding astray. On the one hand, it is often a good topic for unfamiliar people to meet and talk about constellations, which can quickly deepen their initial understanding of each other. On the other hand, going to temples to burn incense and pray for blessings and finding fortune tellers are also ways for young people to find the fulcrum of life in an uncertain future with metaphysics.

Photo by: CGTN

Although fortune-telling and divination have been so popular among young people in recent years, people who know the culture of the Book of changes may have heard the saying: "those who are good at changing do not know." That is to say, people who have no doubts about life and understand fate do not need divination. This shows from the side that young people are more and more keen on divination because they have lost their sense of control in the face of life and the future, and at the same time have confusion and confusion. To some extent, perhaps the less ideal the environment is, the easier it is for people to believe in the power of metaphysics.

Therefore, behind the heat of metaphysics reflects the social crux in recent years. Studies, career, emotions and other fortunes are often the areas that people pay special attention to when "fortune-telling", and these areas are usually the pressures faced by the public in daily life. According to spiritual researcher Fine, "More and more people believe in metaphysics, probably because society is working too fast and people are becoming more and more anxious. This is what happens when the heart is unstable and the future is at a loss."


Photo by Pexels

From a psychological point of view, young people's belief in metaphysics is not necessarily true "superstition". Claire, a metaphysical enthusiast, points out, "I believe that there are some laws of nature that humans have not yet found the truth, but so-called metaphysics is a traditional method of induction, behind which are some laws of nature that humans have not yet explored and understood. In the absence of a formula, induction is also somewhat scientific."

In the process of paying attention to the horoscope and experiencing tarot divination, young people hope to get positive and positive answers, so that their inner anxiety can also be comforted. Therefore, Fine mentions that metaphysics is actually the "psychologist" of the Chinese people ".


Photo by Pexels


# **When the trend of metaphysics blows to the fashion world * *

When metaphysics is regarded as a kind of psychological support and is getting more and more attention from young people, its popularity has gradually jumped out of the traditional metaphysics field of fortune telling and divination, and began to spread to other trendy industries, which naturally includes the fashion industry.

At present, young people begin to integrate the concept of metaphysics into their daily life. From the earliest folk saying of "wearing red in the year of this life", people have gradually developed a set of "good luck wearing formula" to change the color of clothes in response to the changes of the five elements. In addition, crystal bracelets, necklaces and other accessories of different colors, which are considered to contain metaphysical energy, have also joined this metaphysical matching link.

At the same time, consumers also began to interpret the metaphysical connotation of fashion brands. Each color of the jewelry brand Van Cleef & Arpels Clover accessories has been given a different metaphysical effect, such as red network, black evil spirits, white fortune, etc. Jacques Arpels, nephew of Estelle Arpels, one of the founders of the brand, often said that "only with a lucky wish can you become a lucky person" is also regarded as the standard by the brand's consumer groups. The so-called "sincerity leads to spirit", which they think is added to the brand's "good luck metaphysics".


Photo by Van Cleef and Arpels

Vivienne Westwood sign of Saturn has also sparked a heated debate in metaphysics. It is reported that because Saturn represents rigorous, introverted and steadfast diligence in the constellation theory system, netizens think that only by working hard enough can Saturn be blessed with good luck. A popular saying on the Internet is that it is easier for people who take the public examination and postgraduate entrance examination to "go ashore" when wearing Vivienne Westwood Saturn necklaces ".


Image source: Vivienne Westwood

In addition to consumers' attention to metaphysical concepts in fashion and brands, brands themselves have begun to create heat by borrowing metaphysical topics. Last year, Fendi held an art exhibition at Dongjingyuan Ancient Temple in Beijing, which received a lot of favorable comments. Louis Vuitton and other luxury brands hang lettuce at the entrance of the store, implying "making money". When Hermès store in Nanjing Deji Square was redecorated and opened, Taoist priest was also invited to pray for a prosperous business.


Fendi held an art exhibition at Dongjingyuan Ancient Temple in Beijing. Photo by Fendj

Recently, the large butterfly decoration of Dior stores has been pushed to the forefront of public opinion because of its metaphysical meaning. Butterfly door head echoes the butterfly theme of the brand's 2024 early spring series, so this element is applied to a series of clothing, accessories and even store decoration. However, netizens have given multiple versions of metaphysical answers to this: Some people think that this large butterfly is an "energy field" that can make passing consumers indulge in it and unwilling to leave; others think that butterflies represent transformation. Corresponding to the "Nine Purple Leaving Fire" in the Year of the Jiachen Dragon, it is a symbol of blessing.


Photo by: Dior

In addition to the head of the butterfly door, Dior had previously combined the elements of the wheel of fate of the star chart at the light show on Fifth Avenue in new york, and also brought discussion heat to the brand through the topic of metaphysics. It can be seen that young people's attention to metaphysics has had an impact on the fashion industry like ripples. The fashion industry has now infiltrated the concept of metaphysics in many aspects. In addition to the guidance of popular culture, there is naturally the power of capital operation. Driven by various kinds of help, what new opportunities can metaphysics bring to the fashion industry?


# **Trio of Traffic, Business and Culture * *

Metaphysics has a wide audience in China, which also makes metaphysics-related topics come with huge traffic.

According to an "Internet fortune-telling" survey released by NetEase in 2021, 62.05 percent of people under the age of 30 surveyed had experience with constellation compass and tarot divination. At present, the more well-known constellation bloggers such as @ Tao Bai Bai Sensei and @ Alex are uncle and @ fellow uncle have fans of nearly 20 million orders of magnitude on Weibo.

The fashion topic related to metaphysics also has a fiery attention. In Little Red Riding Book, the topic of "Five Elements of Wangyun Dressing Guide" mentioned above has been viewed more than 28 million times, and "Crystal Bracelet" has been viewed 0.47 billion times.


Source: Little Red Book

Not only that, metaphysics also has great potential to convert topic flow heat into commercial capital. As early as 2016, Constellation IP Top Flow "Uncle Tongdao" was acquired by Meisheng Culture for 75% of the shares at a price of more than 0.2 billion yuan, from which the founder cashed in 0.178 billion yuan. Tencent once took a stake in APP "Test", China's largest constellation community. Xiaomi Group has participated in tens of millions of rounds of financing for "Constellation Goddess.


Image source: Weibo

For the fashion industry, the popularity of metaphysical concepts can also bring huge commercial profits. Before and after the Spring Festival this year, hand string, crystal stone and transfer beads are ushered in the peak sales.

According to the 2024 Spring Festival consumption observation data released by Jingdong, hand string products are especially popular during the New Year's Festival. It is reported that among the post -90 s consumers, the turnover of 18-seed bracelet and topaz bracelet has increased by more than 3 times year on year. After 00, consumers prefer bodhi bracelet, golden crystal bracelet and obsidian bracelet. Claire, a metaphysics enthusiast, told Vogue Business: "During the New Year holiday, Chow Tai Fook stores in Xidan Joy City were full and everyone was buying New Year's transfer jewelry."


Photo Source: Little Red Riding Book @ Nine Life Like Clouds

In addition, the butterfly element, which has a good meaning in metaphysics, is also loved by consumers this year. Claire mentioned, "I heard that this year, a lot of people around me are using butterfly patterns. My own phone case, hairpin and earrings are also butterflies." When asked whether she would give priority to fashion items with butterfly elements in her personal consumption range, she agreed with this and added: "not only me, but also my colleagues will choose things with butterfly elements when they send gifts to each other recently, because besides being good-looking, there is also the moral of good luck."


Photo by: Dior

Metaphysics can not only bring topic flow and marketing opportunities to the fashion industry, but also make some fashion brands from the West closer to the local context in culture. Yana (pseudonym), the sales manager of the Shanghai branch of a French jewelry brand, said: "In China, it is difficult for a small foreign jewelry brand to have a long-term and stable customer base for its single-selling design idea. However, once the design has some metaphysical implications, such as the six-point star representing good luck, helping to find a job, taking an offer, etc., Chinese consumers will be more likely to accept the brand."


Image source: APM

When asked why, she pointed out: "We Chinese have believed in this (metaphysics) since ancient times, so enlarging the metaphysical meaning of some products can give brands and consumers a cultural echo." Therefore, to some extent, giving metaphysical connotation to the brand can be regarded as a kind of exotic localization measure.

The "metaphysics fever" has had a huge impact on the fashion industry. Fashion topics related to metaphysics not only bring their own ultra-high traffic, but also can "realize" the traffic and turn it into sales opportunities. In terms of cultural connotation, the metaphysical meaning of fashion brands also resonates with consumers in an unexpected way.

Metaphysics, as an invisible and mysterious force, is now attracting more and more attention from young people. It may be difficult for us to verify whether it is based on evidence, but it must represent a force field that is difficult to easily perceive. As the spiritual researcher Fine said: "the metaphysics of the 'metaphysic' is because most people can't see it with the naked eye, just as we all live on the surface and can't see the roots of trees. The so-called 'metaphysic' is the existence of roots."

(Source: VOGUE Business)