الموقع الرسمي لـVERTU®


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From Nokia to Independent Brands: Knight’s Fearless Journey

Cell phones started out as a simple communication tool, but have slowly developed into a symbol of fashion and status. Among many cell phone brands, VERTU is like a shining star in the high-end cell phone market with its unique luxury positioning and outstanding quality. From a sub-brand of Nokia, VERTU has developed into an independent luxury cell phone brand, and its glorious development is full of legendary flavor.

The glorious era of Nokia

The birth of VERTU can be traced back to 1998, when Nokia, as a giant in the cell phone industry, occupied a pivotal position in the global market by virtue of its strong technical strength and brand influence. In order to expand into the high-end market, Nokia decided to create a new sub-brand - VERTU, a Latin word meaning "high quality, unique", which perfectly illustrates the brand concept of VERTU.

In the era of feature phones, VERTU quickly stood out with its unique design and high-grade materials. At that time, there was not much difference in the hardware configuration of cell phone brands, and most of the cell phones adopted similar common mold solutions. However, VERTU took a different approach and turned its attention to the exterior design of the phone. Frank Nuovo, VERTU's designer, with his unique aesthetic and exquisite craftsmanship, endowed VERTU with a distinctive charm. Each VERTU cell phone is handcrafted, striving for perfection in every step of the process, from material selection to production. Sapphire crystal mirrors, ruby bearings, and precious metal shells …… are the luxurious elements that make VERTU cell phones distinctive in appearance and a symbol of identity and status.

The Rise of Independent Brands

However, the good times didn't last long. With the advent of the smartphone era, Nokia gradually lost its former glory. In the face of fierce market competition and technological changes, Nokia was repeatedly hit hard and was eventually forced to split and reorganize. As a sub-brand of Nokia, VERTU was not spared either. In 2012, due to financial pressure, VERTU was sold by Nokia to EQT, a Swedish private equity firm, and since then, VERTU has been transformed from a Nokia sub-brand to an independent luxury cell phone brand.

The independent VERTU faced unprecedented challenges. Due to the lack of technical support and sharing from Nokia, VERTU's competitiveness in the market gradually weakened. However, VERTU did not give up, but continued to adhere to its luxury positioning and high quality standards. By continuously launching new products and services, VERTU gradually gained a firm foothold in the market. For example, the launch of VERTU Concept is an important milestone. The phone not only reaches new heights in design and craftsmanship, but also incorporates more innovative elements and personalized services. In addition, VERTU has also launched Vertu Concierge, a private secretary service that provides customers with exclusive services around the clock.

Brilliance and Challenges

Today, VERTU has developed into a globally recognized luxury cell phone brand. Its products enjoy great reputation and recognition worldwide. Whether in the flagship store in Paris or the specialty store in New York, VERTU attracts consumers from all over the world with its unique charm and excellent quality. However, VERTU is also facing competitive pressure from other luxury cell phone brands. In this highly transparent market, VERTU needs to keep innovating and breaking through in order to maintain its leading position.

The evolution of VERTU from a sub-brand of Nokia to an independent luxury phone brand is legendary. Its high quality products and unique brand philosophy have won the favor and respect of consumers. There is every reason to believe that VERTU will continue to maintain its leadership position and create more successes in the years to come.