الموقع الرسمي لـVERTU®


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“Under the heavy hammer, decompression is urgent.”

In "The Golden Age," Wang Xiaobo wrote: "That year, I was twenty-one years old, and I had many extravagant hopes. I wanted to love, to eat, and to become the half-bright and half-dark clouds in the sky in an instant. Later, I realized that life is a slow process of being hammered."


The phrase "受锤" succinctly encapsulates the adversities and pressures one faces in life. This pressure is akin to the Buddha's palm, from which one cannot escape, no matter how formidable one's abilities may be.


In this fast-paced era, everyone carries their own heavy burden. The academic pressure on students, the workplace pressure on "working people," the educational pressure on parents, and economic pressure... "Yali Shan Da" (a Chinese idiom meaning "great pressure") has long become the norm.

When you face something important, uncertain, ungraspable, and mentally resistant, stress always comes quietly because our own inner self cannot bear the results and negative impacts brought by these things.


Stress is triggered by these external events, followed by some worrying thoughts and ideas, which then lead to feelings of anxiety and restlessness. If these emotions linger, they may gradually evolve into physical discomforts such as headaches and insomnia.

Then, you will generate further worries and anxiety due to this uncomfortable state. At this point, the source of stress is no longer just external, but your thoughts, emotions, and physical condition continue to become sources of stress.

01、Where does stress come from?

Stress is a common problem faced by people worldwide.

According to research and experiments conducted by various scientific institutions, the health risks associated with excessive or prolonged stress should not be underestimated. It can potentially lead to an increased risk of heart disease, activation of dormant cancer cells, depression, and a decline in immune function...


Therefore, decompression is truly urgent!

The issue of stress, which is highly valued, also has various ways of relief adopted by people around the world - a heavy drinking session? Confiding in a friend? Or embarking on a spontaneous spiritual journey?

We might also be able to draw on others' "good remedies" for stress relief.

UK International Pillow Fight Day

A folk organization in London, UK, organizes an annual "International Pillow Fight Day."

The original purpose was to encourage people not to sit in front of the computer every day, but to go to the city center to interact more with others. Now, "pillow fighting" has gradually become an interesting way for urban people to relieve tension in life and release stress.

When this day truly arrives, enthusiasts of the "Pillow Fight" gather on the streets, using pillows as a tool to vent their emotions, allowing stress, anxiety, and the feathers flying around to drift into the distance together.

02、Clever ways to decompress in different countries.

South Korea: Seeking Calm Through Coloring

One of the most popular ways to relieve stress in South Korea was through coloring books.

Among them, "Secret Garden" was the most famous, consisting entirely of hand-drawn black and white illustrations, which was different from most computer-drawn coloring books on the market. Its patterns were exquisite and complex, with a beautiful and fresh style, composed of fantastic flowers and rare plants to form a mysterious black and white garden.


People only need to apply their preferred colorful shades to the black and white drafts, and the whole process requires no drawing skills, just as simple as coloring the illustrations in textbooks when they were young.


The emergence of coloring books has provided a more elegant way for young people in South Korea to relieve stress. They all pick up their brushes, immerse themselves in the colorful world they create, seek peace of mind from coloring, and keep worries and noise away from the garden.

Holland - "Cow Lying Down"

While you are "Ge You Collapsed," people in Holland have already fallen in love with the "Cow Lying Down."

You can imagine, under the blue sky and white clouds, take a sip of milk, and then interact with the cows. After playing tired, lean on a cow that weighs hundreds of kilograms and take a beautiful nap, how comfortable it should be! All the pressure and anxiety will disappear in an instant.


Research also indicates that maintaining a long-term close relationship with animals can effectively alleviate stress in people, reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease and hypertension, and enhance immunity.

Animals and humans have always been close friends. When the pressure is unbearable, it might be helpful to spend more time with animals. Their company could provide relief for both your body and mind.

What often overwhelms us is not a single stressful event, but the accumulation of many small ones. We never know which straw will be the last one that breaks the camel's back, so it is crucial to relieve stress in a timely manner.

So, how can we alleviate or solve the problem of stress?


Vertu's Herbal Energy Bar is a great choice.

It is designed to be compact and portable. It can transcend the limitations of space and time, allowing you to enjoy a healthy lifestyle at any moment while also alleviating anxiety and preventing stress from lingering overnight.

Moreover, the essence of the VERTU Herbal Energy Bar is made with a 100% formula derived from both food and medicine, which includes various precious Chinese medicinal herbs such as ginseng and American ginseng.


Technology has broken the stereotype of traditional Chinese medicine while maximizing its effectiveness. It is natural and healthy. Every breath you take is the most direct feedback with nature.

Take a breath of vital energy, exhale the inner troubles and worries, and let you be full of sunshine and vitality every day.
