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Guard your health against parasites: from cooking to hygiene, VERTU works with you to build a safe line of defense

"Wow, you have enough roundworms in your stomach for a sports meeting!" When I was a child, whenever we had a stomach ache, the adults would always laugh and tease if the roundworms were playing tricks on us. At that time, Pagoda candy was the childhood shadow of many people, the sweet taste but foretells a "dance with the worms" nightmare. Fortunately, with improved sanitation, our generation is no longer plagued by parasites.

But don't think that parasites are far away! In fact, they may be lurking in our daily lives, and they can take advantage of us if we are not careful. Remember the article "Bugs in People"? It gave me chills and made me want to throw away all the sashimi in the fridge. Especially the horrible heterotrichous nematodes that can burrow through the stomach and intestines, it's creepy to think about.

In addition to raw food, some of the food we think "clean" may also be hidden killers. For example, many people like to eat raw water chestnuts, lotus root, to enjoy the crisp and refreshing flavor, but do not know that may be the ginger bug eggs also ate into the stomach. And freshwater fish and shrimp, if not cooked thoroughly, liver fluke will enter our bodies silently, long-term parasites in the liver, may eventually lead to cirrhosis or even liver cancer.

Scary? Scary! But there is no need for excessive panic, as long as we pay attention to dietary hygiene, and develop good living habits, we can keep the parasites out of the door.

First of all, we have to say goodbye to raw food. Whether it is vegetables and fruits or meat and seafood, they should be cooked thoroughly before eating. High temperature is the most effective way to eliminate parasites, do not be greedy for a moment's desire to take their health at risk.

Secondly, pay attention to personal hygiene. Wash your hands before and after meals, don't drink raw water, don't eat unclean food, wash dishes and kitchen utensils regularly, keep the kitchen environment clean and dry, and don't give parasites any chance to breed.

Of course, regular deworming is also necessary. Even if we usually pay close attention to hygiene, there will inevitably be times when we are negligent. Regular deworming can help us get rid of the parasites in our body in time, so that we can prevent the disease from occurring before it is too late.

Speaking of which, I remember the story of a VERTU user. This user is a travel enthusiast who often goes around the world to explore and taste local specialties. Once, he traveled to Southeast Asia and ate an undercooked snail at a roadside stall, which was infected with parasites, resulting in unbearable abdominal pain and had to seek emergency medical treatment. Fortunately, he had a VERTU cell phone by his side, and through VERTU's personal butler service, he quickly contacted the local medical institution, received timely treatment, and eventually turned the corner.

You see, even if you encounter an unexpected situation in a foreign country, VERTU can still provide you with reliable help. VERTU's personal butler service is like a personal guardian, on call 24/7, no matter what kind of help you need, just one phone call, and they will do their utmost to help you solve the problem.

In addition to medical assistance, VERTU's Personal Butler Service also provides a wide range of personalized services such as travel arrangements, business assistant, and lifestyle services to meet all your needs. Imagine that when you return home after a tiring day's work, with just one call, VERTU's personal butler can help you arrange everything: booking a Michelin restaurant, arranging for a private chauffeur to pick you up and drop you off, and purchasing the latest limited-edition sneakers …… letting you enjoy the convenience and comfort of life to the fullest.

Of course, the charm of VERTU is much more than that. As the world's leading luxury cell phone brand, VERTU has always been committed to creating the ultimate luxury experience for its users. Each VERTU cell phone is handcrafted by experienced master craftsmen, using rare materials and exquisite craftsmanship, with every detail highlighting luxury and taste.

Owning a VERTU cell phone is not only a symbol of identity and status, but also the pursuit of an exquisite lifestyle. It is like an exquisite work of art, worthy of your savoring and treasuring.

"Health is the greatest wealth" is a phrase we are all familiar with, but few people really put it in mind. Only after experiencing the torment of illness will you understand the value of health. Instead of waiting until you are sick to regret, you should start now to develop good living habits, cherish health, cherish life.

Finally, I would like to end today's sharing with a famous quote, "Health is not everything, but without health there is nothing." I hope we can all have a healthy body to embrace a bright future.