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ما هي العلاقة بين الميتافيرس وWeb 3.0، هذين المفهومين الأكثر سخونة؟

In 2021, as Facebook renamed itself Meta and fully committed to the metaverse, the concept of the “metaverse” became extremely popular, and Web 3.0 has also gradually become a high-frequency term in recent times.

Since both are potential forms of the future internet, although they are not completely opposed to each other, people are still divided over which one can represent the future of the internet.


So, what exactly do the Metaverse and Web 3.0 represent, and what is the relationship between the two?

Internet media industry analysts say: Web 3.0 is the future of technological development, the Metaverse is the future of application scenarios and lifestyles, and the two complement each other.


Web1.0 is “readable” (read), Web2.0 is “readable + writable” (read + write), and Web3.0 will be “readable + writable + ownable” (read + write + own).

Specifically, in the Web1.0 and 2.0 era, although users can use services for free, and they will also receive benefits such as coupons and consumption red envelopes during the early traffic attraction, the user data will be owned by the Internet platform. As important participants and contributors to the ecosystem, users cannot benefit from it.

In the Web3.0 era, users will truly have control over their own data. At that time, personal information will become an asset that users can control autonomously. Users can truly benefit from the circulation and trading of data, making their data no longer a free resource for Internet platforms:

Web1.0 is the past, which solved the problem of users browsing content, Web2.0 is the present, which solved the problem of users creating content, and Web3.0 is the future, which will solve the problems of user information security and content ownership.

What is Web3.0?

Looking forward, Web3.0 is not only an intelligent internet but also a three-dimensional holographic internet.

Web3.0 needs to include advanced equipment such as immersive AR/VR terminals, brain-computer interfaces, haptic gloves, and haptic bodysuits, as well as related technologies such as virtual avatars, motion capture, gesture recognition, spatial perception, and digital twins.


What is the relationship between the metaverse and Web 3.0?

The metaverse and Web 3.0 both represent the future of the internet. Web 3.0 is the future of technological development, while the metaverse is the future of application scenarios and lifestyles. They have a mutually reinforcing and interdependent relationship.


Specifically, the Web3.0 technology direction includes technological innovations such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and big data, as well as innovative network organizational models like DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization, i.e., user consensus communities).

In the metaverse, AR/VR addresses the technical needs of the metaverse’s front end, while Web3.0 provides strong technical support on the back end.

The metaverse is the superstructure, and Web3.0 is the infrastructure.

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The relationship between the meta-universe and Web3.0

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